5 Tips To Overcome Your Fear of the Dentist

Do you struggle to go to the dentist for your cleanings? Does it make you nervous even to think about going to the dentist? Hopefully, these tips can help you overcome your fear and your mouth clean and healthy!1. Do your research!Doing your research can help ease...

Why Flossing is Important for a Healthy Mouth

Your teeth are essential, and taking care of them should be a priority! Many people forget to add flossing to their daily routine, but there are many reasons why you should add this step to your schedule. Your teeth, gums, and smile will thank you!There are many...

Do you grind your teeth?

Since grinding frequently happens during sleep, many people may be unaware that they grind their teeth. Be that as it may, a dull, steady cerebral pain or sore jaw is an obvious indication of bruxism when you wake up. People often learn that they grind their teeth by...

Holiday Foods to Avoid During the Holidays

The holidays are such a fun time to be with family and friends. There are games, quality time, and delicious food. While these foods might taste great, they’re not the best for your teeth. If you want to know what those foods are, check out this article!Sugar...

Do Your Gums Bleed When You Brush or Floss?

Discovered a bit of pink in your sink this morning after brushing or flossing your mouth? What could be the reason behind your bleeding gums? Some causes are serious and may require you to schedule a visit to your dentist promptly. Other reasons are mild and can be...

Are You Brushing Too Hard?

People who are conscientious about their oral health make sure to brush their teeth twice a day. Some even go beyond that and brush them after every meal. This raises a question if frequent brushing is a good thing? Most dentists share similar thoughts on this and...
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