Does a steaming cup of coffee make you wince every time you take a sip? Are you tired of saying no to delicious ice cream? Know that the days of compromising are over!

While many people suffer from dentin hypersensitivity, it is not a permanent condition. In fact, a certified dentist can easily help you overcome this problem.

However, before you start with the treatment of your hypersensitivity, you need to understand what causes it.

What Is Tooth Sensitivity?
Tooth sensitivity happens when acid wears away the enamel of your teeth. Enamel is the outermost layer that protects the sensitive innards called dentin. Since dentin is soft tissue full of nerves, it can cause extreme pain when encountering substances with certain temperatures. There are various foods and eating habits that can result in the deterioration of enamel or even cause gum recession, which ultimately leads to tooth sensitivity. Tooth discomfort can also be caused by other factors, such as cavities, gum disease, or a chipped tooth.

How Does Tooth Sensitivity Affect You?
First of all, there are no at-risk groups for this problem. When you suffer from tooth sensitivity, activities such as brushing and even eating and drinking can cause sharp and sudden pain in the teeth.

What Are The Causes Of Tooth Sensitivity?

1) Aggressive Brushing
Aggressive brushing can result in tooth sensitivity, as it wears down the enamel and root cementum. If you complete your brushes faster than your floss, know that you are not brushing your teeth properly. In such a situation, alter your brushing technique and opt for light, consistent strokes. Also, use a soft toothbrush to avoid harming your enamel.

2) Lack Of An Oral Care Routine
Your regular oral care routine must include brushing, flossing, and rinsing your mouth twice a day. Make sure that you are maintaining this routine. You should also include other healthy solutions, such as using a fluoride toothpaste for brushing.

3) Acidic Or Sugary Diet
A balanced diet is very important to maintain healthy teeth. Make sure to avoid highly acidic or sugary items, such as citrus fruits, grains, pickles, tomatoes, orange juice, coffee, cookies, cakes, ice creams, and carbonated sodas. Such foods prompt bacteria to grow and slowly strip away the tooth enamel. Limit the intake of these foods and drink plenty of water to maintain your oral health.

4) Tooth Decay Or Receding Gums
Your decaying tooth is perhaps the reason why you are suffering from tooth sensitivity. It is common for a cavity to lead to problems like gingivitis or receding gums. Receding gums happen when your gums visibly start to pull away from your teeth, exposing sensitive dentin tubules and causing tooth sensitivity. It is best to consult a dentist when you see the first signs of receding gums.

5) Continuous Grinding
If you have a habit of continuously grinding your teeth, it may result in tooth sensitivity. Grinding wears down your tooth enamel and exposes the sensitive nerves of the tooth. This results in severe tooth pain when anything comes in contact with the exposed dentin. Since grinding can also happen during sleep, many dentists suggest wearing a mouth guard overnight to protect the enamel.

If you are living with sensitive teeth, make sure that you are using the right products for brushing. Avoid using a whitening toothpaste, as it can make your teeth sensitive. Also, don’t forget to replace your toothbrush every 4 months to maintain good oral hygiene.

For any other questions regarding tooth sensitivity, get in touch with our dental experts at Abingdon Box Hill Dentistry. We will not only help you identify any underlying causes of your tooth pain, but also provide the right solution for them. Call us today at 410-569-8500.

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