We all dream of having pearly white teeth. However, achieving that dream has been a struggle for many of us. Numerous factors can cause teeth to become dull and yellowish. It may be because of genetics or due to surface stains caused by food and beverages. Many times, discoloration of teeth also occur due to aging, despite a person’s good oral hygiene.

Since yellow teeth are often unavoidable, many people opt for modern teeth whitening treatments to get quick and effective results. If you don’t want to rely on conventional chemical treatments (bleaching) or are looking for a cheaper alternative, we have the right solution for you.

In this blog, we are going to discuss what methods you can use to whiten your teeth naturally.

1) Whitening Toothpaste
Take a tablespoon of toothpaste in a bowl. Mix it with a pinch of salt and a bit of baking soda. Add 4-5 drops of lemon juice. Now take a soft toothbrush, apply this whitening toothpaste on the brush and apply to your teeth. You will start seeing the difference in the first few uses. Clean your teeth with this paste once every two months.

2) Oil Pulling
In oil pulling, all you have to do is swish oil inside your mouth. You can use either coconut oil or sesame oil for this method. Put a small amount of oil in your mouth and swish it for about 20 minutes. Alternatively, you can mix a few drops of oil in your toothpaste and use it that way. Do this first thing in the morning before you have your breakfast.

3) Baking Soda
Baking soda has proven to be very effective in whitening your teeth. Take equal parts of baking soda and freshly squeezed lemon juice and mix them well. Brush your teeth with this mixture for two minutes. Use this method once a week for best results.

4) Hydrogen Peroxide
Hydrogen peroxide has antibacterial agents that help in the complete cleaning of your mouth. You can also mix it with water or baking soda. Place an equal amount of water and hydrogen peroxide in a glass and mix well. Put the mixture in your mouth and swish it for one minute.

5) Lemon Juice And Apple Cider Vinegar
Dilute half a teaspoon apple cider vinegar by mixing it with water. Rinse your teeth with this solution every day. Use this method regularly before you brush your teeth. You can also rinse your mouth with lemon juice and water solution for the same effect. Lemon has natural cleaning properties that disinfect oral cavities and restore whiteness.

6) Strawberries
Take a few strawberries in a small bowl and mash them to make a soft, jelly-like paste. Use this paste to brush your teeth. Rinse your mouth afterward to get rid of any remnants. You can use this method twice a week. Strawberries contain beneficial antioxidants that not only naturally whiten your teeth but keep them healthy as well.

7) Healthy Food
Another good way to keep your teeth and gums healthy is by ensuring the proper intake of food. Consume products that are full of calcium like yogurt or raw milk. Leafy green vegetables that are high in magnesium should also be eaten regularly. You should also include other beneficial food products in your diet such as apples, pears, mushrooms, cage-free eggs, sweet potatoes, carrots, squash, celery, and nuts like walnuts and almonds.

8) Activated Charcoal
Activated charcoal is an easy and inexpensive way for whitening your teeth. Crush a charcoal tablet into powder and put it on your toothbrush. Brush your teeth slowly for three minutes. Make sure you use activated charcoal that comes from a food and medical grade source.

Avoid using these teeth whitening methods if you have sensitive gums. Instead, consult a reliable dentist for the right treatment. At Abingdon Box Hill Dentistry, we are willing to help you with any of your dentistry needs!

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